This dark, funny teen drama is set in 1996 and follows a girls’ soccer team whose plane crashes in Canadian wilderness while on their way to a tournament. It flips back and forth between 1996 and present-day to expose the mystery of what the characters experienced before being rescued. Two gay characters explore well-written and complex relationships in both timelines, and some episodes focus on the closeted soccer coach and his past relationships.
LGBTQ+ Actors In Yellowjackets:
Jasmin Savoy Brown
Tawny Cypress
Liv Hewson
Francois Arnaud
This dark, funny teen drama is set in 1996 and follows a girls’ soccer team whose plane crashes in Canadian wilderness while on their way to a tournament. It flips back and forth between 1996 and present-day to expose the mystery of what the characters experienced before being rescued. Two gay characters explore well-written and complex relationships in both timelines, and some episodes focus on the closeted soccer coach and his past relationships.
LGBTQ+ Actors In Yellowjackets:
Jasmin Savoy Brown
Tawny Cypress
Liv Hewson
Francois Arnaud