Music Tip: Kate’s Party, Hollow

Debut album Hollow from Kate’s Party brings Irish Punk Rock to the forefront with a smack of grunge.

Irish band Kate’s Party has been a surprising find and is a band to watch. Originally formed as an all female acoustic 2-piece, drawing on their influences from punk rock bands of the 1990’s, they have now expanded beyond the acoustic realm to include heavy percussion and electronic guitar creating a gutsy grunge sound.

Bursting into up-tempo drum riffs and melodic rock guitar chords “Pockets” is a fun introduction to Hollow, following up the first single “Welcome To Seahaven”, from the album, The heavy bass flows steadily under the vocal line of “Paper & Glue” pulling together a tight track that is infectious and fun.

“Cougar” and “Pace” are solid offerings with clever use of guitar and percussion that work to draw the listener into their respective musical journey. The mid-point of this strong album reaches a small bump with “End Scene”. This track has a powerful and energetic chorus that really works. Unfortunately it’s let down in its verses with the interplay between the competing vocal lines and is drowned out by the percussion section.

However, any mishap in the previous track is quickly forgotten by the time the listener hears the first chord struck in “Unfamiliar”. Although there is nothing unfamiliar about this track, with a clear 90’s influenced sound, all the grunge children of the 90’s are rejoicing.

Every album harbors at least one stand out track, and Hollow’s has to be ‘Bike For Three’. With a powerhouse guitar riff leading to the climax in the bridge, the song is clearly designed to get you singing along and playing air guitar like a wannabe rock star – quite simply, it’s perfect.

For a brief moment we are able to catch our breath in ‘Hallenbad’, which readies the listener for the grand finale. The track slowly builds in a dramatic fashion into a series of intertwining clever guitar riffs used to build a pure rock anthem. As quickly as it builds and reaches the climax, it descends even faster into the emptiness of the final bar – and just like that, it’s all over.