Two In Five LGBT Students Have Hidden Their Identity At University

Discrimination and abuse continue to negatively impact LGBT students

Britain’s leading LGBT+ charity, Stonewall have launched two nationwide reports looking into the experience of LGBT+ people at British universities and in workplaces.

The research has concluded that that two in five LGBT students (42%) have hidden their identity at university for fear of discrimination, and seven per cent of trans students have been physically attacked by another student or member of university staff in the last year.

The study also found that two out of three LGBT students (69%) say their university has equalities policies that protect LGB people on campus, however.

Ruth Hunt, the Chief Executive of Stonewall says on the matter, “University should be an exciting time when all students can learn, grow, and enjoy their independence.

“But our University Report shows that discrimination and abuse continue to negatively impact the university experience for too many lesbian, gay, bi and trans students. They often don’t feel confident reporting incidents to staff, which means these incidents are left unchecked.

“The situation is especially concerning for trans students who face physical violence and are often not addressed by staff with their correct name and pronoun. This is unacceptable.”

The Stonewall work report reveals that coming out at work is also still a problem, with more than one third of LGBT staff (35%) hiding that they are LGBT at work for fear of discrimination; a figure that rises to 42% for BAME (black, Asian, minority ethnic) LGBT staff, and 51% for trans staff.

Almost one in five LGBT employees (18%) have been the target of negative comments or conduct from work colleagues because they are LGBT.