A kick-ass physical interrogation into a heavy topic”
Zinzi Minott is a dancer who treads the line between art and politics.
Born in Manchester but raised in South London, she’s interested in exploring how dance can be used as a “mode of resistance”, and how it is “perceived through the prisms of race, queer culture, gender and class.”
Co-founder of the 2016 festival of dance The Rebel Man Standard Festival, Zinzi’s newest performance What Kind Of Slave Would I Be? (WKOSWIB?) came to her as she visited a Tudor portrait installation which prompted her to begin imagining her ancestral past, at which point “she imagined a slave”.
The purpose of the question, ‘What kind of slave would I be?’ is to ask: “Who they would have been – to turn slaves into people, politicise the act of remembering. It is an act of temporal trickery. It is an act of memory. It is a sign of temporal respect.”
“To ask 'What kind of slave would I be?' is to ask who would they have been – to turn slaves into people, politicise the act of remembering.”
The performance will be held at Rich Mix later this month and is described as “a time travelling dance piece, framed by sound from Nkisi, images from Rohan Aiyinde and film from Minott herself.”
The show itself promises to be a “kick-ass physical interrogation into a heavy topic”, during which you can expect to feel both discomfort and be moved by this contemporary and politicised ‘re-remembering’.
For more on Zinzi and her work, keep an eye out for our May issue in which she’ll be making an appearance. You can get your hands on a copy here.
Plus check out her website at zinziminott.com.
Venue: Rich Mix, Bethnal Green Road, London.
Dates: 22 April 2017
Performance times: 7.30pm | 60mins (approx)
Tickets: £12.00 / £8 concessions
Box Office: 020 7613 7498 | boxoffice@richmix.org.uk | https://www.richmix.org.uk
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