Women of the world, rejoice!

The LGBT Poet Laureate shares a poem for International Women’s Day


Women of the world rejoice!

We are celebrated and have a voice.

So let us now ask, loud and clear,

For what we need. Without fear.


Equal pay and opportunities

In every work place, every nation.

‘Cos every woman and every girl,

Deserves that expectation.


We want to have an equal right

To choose with whom we mate.

Respect and happiness are partners,

When choice, you reinstate.


We honour the women of every race

Who fought for justice and choice

Who changed the laws and history’s course,

Whose lives we now rejoice


There are women who have no voice

Who live their lives in fear

Let our voices circumnavigate the globe

Supportive, Courageous and Clear


Find out what LGBT Poet Laureate Trudy Howson is up to at lgbtpoetlaureate.org.uk.



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