When the chaotic one turns two!

And right on cue the terrible twos have begun…

And right on cue the terrible twos have begun. Well, actually this was four days premature as she wasn't quite two when she threw this hissy fit in the queue at the M&S cafe. I couldn't do anything to stop it. None of my tools were working so I had to just leave her. I could feel myself getting hot. I could feel the people looking and I was trying to maneuvre a three year old, carry the lunch tray, order a coffee and make sure the chaotic one didn't hurt herself while she was making shapes on the floor. I knew that if anyone had said anything derogatory in that moment I would've completely lost my cool and the pregnancy rage would've set in and potentially I would've been quite rude. Thankfully the only comment I had was from a young girl who worked in M&S and she said, "I feel like that when I come in here too". That made me smile so thank you for lifting the mood.


As a little treat for G we took her to her first ever cinema experience. Aww bless her heart you should've seen her little excited pea head face. She was beaming. I'm not sure if it was just the cinema experience or the fact she had a rare few hours with her mummies on her own which never happens. She sat there with her ice cream, all happy and giggling. Totally lovely but definitely not time for the chaotic one yet to go to the movies. We would get thrown out for sure.


As for toddler-pants we took her to Gravity Tots for her birthday with some friends. It's where under fives can go play on the giant trampolines etc. Such a shame I cant go on the trampolines as I'm pregnant (plus my bladder is not really up to it post-kids). L's face was a picture when I told her, but she actually had a really good time. It was hard to work out who enjoyed it the most!!


Back to our house for a tea party and cake with a few of her little friends. We decided the thing that makes chaotic one happiest is food so we made sure that was a focal point of the day with all the things she loved.


But two???! Two years since she was born. How on earth did that happen. It really does fly over and I think if I wasn't expecting a new little baby to arrive next year I would've been really upset about our baby growing up. I still remember her newborn smell and snuzzling into her neck when she was just a few hours old. Aww, newborn bliss.


She makes us laugh every single day with her crazy personality, but I really do wish she came with volume control! And as for cuddles, you can't really get those now for more than a second as she is like a firework about to explode. We wouldn't change her for the world. Happy birthday, little lady.



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