It’s Up To Us’ Project

Bringing meaningful change for marriage equality.

One of Australia’s best photographers has embarked on an artistic project to bring about meaningful change for the legislation of same sex marriage. 
‘It’s Up To Us’ will see photographer Luke Gow bring to the attention of Australia’s Federal politicians, the stories of 52 same sex couples who desperately want to marry. 
Gow will photograph each couple and produce a run of 52 postcards, revealing a snippet of information about each pair. 
“Once a week for 52 weeks, the postcards – and equally importantly the stories, hopes, and dreams of these couples – will be sent to all 150 members of the House of Representatives and all 76 members of the Australian Senate. 
“The postcards will serve as a weekly reminder to Australia's political representatives of the disparity that currently exists in Australian society in relation to the right to marry.”
Gow said he had dedicated his life to photographing people in love and while every couple had a different story, the one constant was that they loved each other deeply. 
“Unfortunately in Australia there is a group of people that, despite loving each other very much, aren’t able to marry based on their gender,” Gow said. 
One couple involved in the project is Newcastle-based Prue and Celeste. Together for two years, the Hunter women have made a home with their dogs Frank and Bronson. 
They talk about what lies ahead, how many children they will have, what their names will be, and how they will be educated. Everything that a couple in love discusses when planning their future. 
“We have looked at rings and, in time, all our family and friends will be there on a day when we will commit our love and lives to each other,” the women said. 
“At the end of it, to us we will be married but legally, and to the world, it will seem like we had a big party." 
“Giving us the right to marry will give our future children the same rights as other children and recognition of their family. 
“We are already defacto but that just doesn’t have the same level of hold or respect that a marriage has.”

Luke Gow hopes the Australian Government follows New Zealand’s progressive lead by recognising and legalising same sex marriage in Australia. 
“The postcards will assumptively thank them for doing so,” he said. 
Gow is using the incredibly successful crowd funding initiative to get the project up and running. 
“If this is something about which you feel passionate, feel free to donate to our Kickstarter. If you can’t donate, that’s fine too, simply share the love or use #itsuptous on social media.” 
The project launches on July 1 2014 and contributions can be made via (search for ‘It’s Up To Us’) or