Danica Roem Becomes First Transgender State Legislator In Virginia

Danica Roem Becomes First Trans State Legislator in Virginia
Danica Roem Becomes First Trans State Legislator in Virginia

Openly transgender Democrat, Danica Roem has dominated over anti-LGBTQI candidate Bob Marshall in the Virginia seat in the House of Delegates.

She will be sworn in in January, a solid push against the bigotry of the Trump administration.

Her opponent, Bob Marshall, has named himself in the past as Virginia’s Chief Homophobe, and has battled long and hard against LGBTI rights, even proposing a bathroom bill that was shut down in committee, making her defeat of him sweeter still.

“The message that I can succeed because of my gender, not despite it, because of who I am without being afraid of who I am is a human message,” Ms Roem told Cosmo.

“It’s something that even if you are cisgender, but you have some reason that you’ve been singled out in your life, you have some reason that you’ve been stigmatized in your life, you’ve had some reason when you’ve been cornered in your life for being yourself, you can look at me and say, ‘If she can do this, so can I.’”