Daily Gaydar: Janel Parrish Is Feeling The Love

Amy Ray

Plus, Amy Ray talks about her latest album

Need a vacation? Check out Autostraddle’s A-Camp 5.0 which takes place May 21-26th this year. If you can’t afford tuition, consider applying for a ‘campership’ or donating to the campership fund, and help others experience the fun. [autostraddle]



If the massive snow-storm currently sweeping the U.S. has you freezing your nethers off, consider reading some heart-warming satire about the cure for bisexuality. [afterellen]



Amy Ray is talking about country and her newest album, Goodnight Tender, in her latest interview with Afterellen. [afterellen]



Janel Parrish dishes on love in PLL and how people can look forward to Mona’s ‘softer side’ in a recent interview at the TCA. [afterellen]

Erika Moen of Dar! fame delivers with her latest sex toy review of the futuristic Revel Body vibrator, replete with Star Trek quips. [bitch] [NSFW]



You may not enjoy Jezebel making headlines, but this Bitch contributor’s post on the whole Dunham and Vogue faux-pas is worth the read. [bitch]
