Time to Cruise—Time to Eat

Women’s Week Oct 10-19th, Provincetown.

I will be traveling with Olivia on the Mayan Culinary Cuisine cruise this Thanksgiving. And I will be eating – a lot. I have to go on a diet now, cause I am not wearing spanks on board. They really don’t look good under my bathing suit.


I love cruising with Olivia. All the lesbians are so adventurous; I swear we all turn into Dora the Explora. These women are ready to do anything and everything. They arrive at the pier at 10 AM! The ship isn’t scheduled to leave until 4:00 PM – “We are ready!” They have their fanny pack, jungle bike and machete, ready to take on every excursion offered.  “Let’s do the zip lines, to the jungle tour, to the Rum farm and alligator petting zoo!” Once, I lost my room key card in the pool, and asked these lesbians for a little help finding it, man, they broke out masks, fins, scuba tanks, they don’t mess around. 


One time they asked me to go with them to see the ruins of Tulum. I am like “what time?’ they said “Seven.” I’m like, “What? AM?”  Oh Hell no!  If I want to see ruins at 7 am I’ll look in the mirror. I admire this go get em attitude, but also think it could be dangerous. I mean say hypothetically, the US suddenly goes to war, I think an Olivia cruise ship could actually be called up into action! “Lets go ladies, we're going to Yemen and taking out some pirates.”


Where as the boys cruises, that I work on for Atlantis – they wouldn’t know if pirates were boarding them. They are always partying. They would be like, “Hey look, the cruise ship dancers are putting on a show.”  “Oh cool, I like the cute one with the bazooka.”


There are so many boys on those cruises, one time I started hitting on the lady in the gift shop. All week, I’m waving and saying Hi. Turns out she was a manikin.  


I love cruising but I eat so much. – And this one is actually called a culinary cuisine cruise so there is going to be a lot of food. But since I am an experienced cruiser, now I bring the appropriate clothes: The first day I am fine, I fit into my normal clothes, shorts t-shirts ect. The second or third day I bust out my stretch pants – oh yeah make room – three meals a day in a luxury dining room – bring it on! The fourth and fifth days I am in my Moo Moo. Oh it feels very free, no constraints.  Did you know if you want to, you could order three entrees? Hey if you want to try all four deserts, go for it, the sky is the limit. So, by the end of the cruise the only thing I can fit into is, my room. But there is room service and it is free too!  


Bon Voyage.

Poppy will be in Provincetown, Women’s Week Oct 10-19th

At the post office cabaret. 303 Commercial Street.  

5:30 shows