Three things I learned this week – queer queens, gender-neutral lavs and unwelcome attention

Cydney Yeates shares her take on the week’s news


1. So Meghan Markle and Prince Harry announced their engagement earlier this week.  Although I’m not a massive fan of the Windsors, my heart gushed for them and I’m so excited for their big day. You can tell they’re both totally smitten. And if I landed someone like Meg, who gazed at me like she did at Harry in their first telly interview with the Beeb then pigs would probably be flying. But all this talk of a royal wedding got me thinking, surely there must be a les or a bi babe somewhere in the monarchy? Now we’ve got a mixed race bombshell (like myself) in the mix, hopefully it’s only time before we’ve got an LGBT queen ruling the country. Imagine the street parties…


2. Who knew Brits could be so possessive about having a pot to piss in? Let me explain… On Tuesday, Mayor Sadiq Khan called for more gender-neutral toilets to be introduced in the capital to help trans and non-binary people feel safe and represented. It only took a matter of time for the bigots to come crawling out the woodwork to slam his initiative. Because who wants diversity and inclusion anyway, right? What they didn’t realise is that most people have been pissing in gender-neutral loos since being potty trained. Airplane loos, restaurant loos, library loos, and believe it or not even home loos… But they’ve probably got some sort of deluded response to that quite obvious point, right?


 3. Apparently telling a male that you’re currently batting for the other team is still a welcome opportunity for them to try it on. Go figure! Obviously, I learnt this the hard way over the weekend when out celebrating a friend’s birthday with her uni mates. One of them I got on really well with and I painfully rambled to about my dating woes… only for him to turn round and make a move. Maybe I wasn’t clear enough? Maybe I was too open? But the day my politeness doesn’t get mistaken for flirting I’ll be able to die happy.



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