The “Just Married” Game

Q&A Card Game for You & Yours

Need a breather from the Wedding Plans?  Looking for a fun ice-breaker at the engagement party?   “The Just Married Game” may be your answer!


S.Y.C.K. Girl Games, an indie game company sporting the tag line “games for OUR family” is celebrating several years of bringing the “The Just Married Game” to gay and lesbian couples across the U.S.A.  Family Game Night may never be the same!


When partners are asked, “At work, is your partner flaming gay, asexual, or playing it straight?” interesting conversations ensue. Players are often surprised to find out one another’s perceptions about definitions and about each other.  Co-founder Christa K. VanMeter says, “Even though we wrote the game and have played it with over a hundred couples, we still sit down and play just the two of us together sometimes.  And when we do, we learn a little something new about the other every time we play.”


The game is not just an easy way to relax and giggle together, but also has the potential to help couples build on their relationships and marriages.  Some questions are casual and border on silly… others cut right to the chase.  Without a doubt, “The Just Married Game” will get the conversation started!


“If your partner was a piñata and you whacked them with the whoopin’ stick, what would you say would be the first thing to fall out?”


“If you had been born straight, which of your friends would he or she pick as a hetero- lover?”


“What is your partner’s favorite superhero?”


“Where is your partner most likely to hush you: the in-law’s house, the movies, or a fancy restaurant?”


“Where is he/she the most ticklish?”


“What will your partner say is the one thing you could do to make them the happiest person on earth?”

Company co-founders Shannon Y. Edwards & Christa K. VanMeter (the S.Y.C.K. of SYCK Girl Games) say, “We ran across so many confusing gender stereotypes when we tried to play other games for newlyweds or straight couples. So we made a game that didn’t have those stereotypes.  We feel like our game basically levels the playing field for our community. We can have fun with our relationships, celebrate our marriages, and make discoveries about each other too.”

Both also say, “The best part of the game is playing it with other couples, even straight couples! Although it is gender neutral, there is an occasional question or two that will force a heterosexual couple to think outside their norm – and that can be a learning experience as well as outright hilarious!”

The game features approximately 200 cards and 600 questions with point values of 1, 3, and 5 points.  One-pointers are the easy multiple-choice questions but the 3 and 5 pointers get a little tougher and a lot more tantalizing!  The game is perfect for a wedding gift or favor, a party game, or as a one-on-one game with your partner. There are even alternate game play rules included with your purchase.   HAVE FUN!

Currently, “The Just Married Game” usually sells for $8 + shipping; check out Amazon to buy your own!