The consequence of kisses

The LGBT Poet Laureate has the perfect poem for International Kissing Day


Kisses can have consequences.

Even those secret, snatched ones

In the back of someone's car, or cupboard.

That no-one else saw.


Kisses do in fact count.

Including those wet, half biting ones

That fill your mouth with saliva…

That you’d rather forget.


Or the ones with someone's

Girlfriend, wife, or maiden aunt.

Whilst drunk, and alone,

And provoked, at a party.


Kisses can have consequences,

Even if you have to wait 10 years,

To reap the reward

Of their success or failure.


Sometimes there's no respite,

From the jaw aching

Gut and heart wrenching

Memory of them.


No amount of concentration

Self control, denial or willpower,

Diminishes the ramification

Of that particular kiss.


Kisses can bury down, deep

Into your subconscious.

Nestle in the marrow of your bones,

Become more you, than you are.


Kisses can be poetry of breath.

Ambrosia of the Gods.

Better than sex, or the start

Of the best sex you have ever had!


Kisses can have Consequences.


Find out what LGBT Poet Laureate Trudy Howson is up to at



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