Self Defence Course

This Sunday! Free One Day Self Defence Course LGBTIQ Community.Be Prepared For Anything!

 LGBTIQ and community  Course specifically deals with prevention of the dangers of City life – including being bashed, mugged, drugged, attacked by a group, knocked to the ground, sexually assaulted or threatened with a weapon. MEMBERS OF LGBTIQ Community and Inner City Local Residents Welcome. This workshop is sponsored by Marrickville Council.

Learn Self Defence “First Aid” suitable for all those who want to become more streetwise and avoid danger in a short intensive course.

The course will be a mixture of Martial Arts, common sense, and “quick answer” expertise.

Caters to beginners and all fitness levels.  Needs of LGBTIQ, Inner City and Local community, men and women.

Date:                   Sunday November 24th

Time:                  11:30am-4:30pm

Duration:            1 day

Address:             Herb Greedy Hall 79 Petersham Rd Marrickville (behind Yum Cha Marrickville Rd)

Cost:                               FREE

Book at place by emailing or call /sms 0411808451 Tell Your Friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!