Speaking OUT: Youth in Focus

Lesbian card company Teazled joins Campus Pride in support of LGBT youth.

As a leader in the manufacturing and creation of greeting cards by and for the LGBT community, Teazled, LLC has joined Campus Pride to show their support in a photographic essay called Speaking OUT: Youth in Focus. 

                The essay takes a look at the different experiences a diverse group of young people encounter, from the ages of fourteen to twenty-four, who identify as LGBTQ. The portraits are presented using a stark white backdrop, to eliminate the environmental influence, which acts as a blank canvas for each participant to hand write personal thoughts, and will then be used onto the final photographic print. Speaking OUT gives a rare look into the passions, confusions, prejudices, joys and sorrows that are often felt by LGBT youth. "Teazled is thrilled to be a part of this project as it aligns with our company's core values to support LGBT youth," says Dina Proto, CEO of Teazled.

                Teazled, the first national LGBT greeting card company, has teamed-up with Campus Pride, an organization that serves LGBT and ally student leaders in areas of leadership development and creating safer LGBT –friendly college campuses,  to create greeting cards that feature 15 of the queer youth in hopes to raise money for Rachelle Lee Smith’s paperback book of the same name while also supporting Campus Pride. A portion of each greeting card sale will go towards Rachelle’s beautiful work and the great efforts of Campus Pride.



