New research has revealed that rainbow families want a stronger sense of community and better access to information specific to our communities needs.
Local community member Michelle Brady is hosting a free afternoon forum on Sunday the 13th of July at Vulcana Womens Circus Space for anyone interested in knowing more about starting your own rainbow family.
The aim of the forum is to inform, connect, support and empower our community around family.
You are invited to hear community leaders discuss and share experiences on:
• Adoption
• Surrogacy
• Sperm & egg donation
• Co-parenting
• Fertility
• Fostering
• Legal considerations
The transition to parenthood for members of the LGBTIQ community takes extra planning and there are different options to consider. This forum aims to support people wanting to find the right path, legal advice that is up to date, and for those wanting to connect with other people on the same road. Whether you are single, attached, or just curious to know your options and rights there will be something in the afternoon for you.
The forum will start at 2pm sharp with a series of short presentations from the panel of speakers which includes family law expert Stephen Page, fertility specialist Dr. Julie Lindstrom and 4 parents speaking their stories of experience on surrogacy, IVF, home fertilization, fostering, sperm donation and co-parenting.
After the presentations there will be question time and a chance to mingle while being entertained by local talented musicians. There will also be information from local support groups like Gay Parents Australia, Rainbow Families and Queensland Fertility group who will provide resources and information on health providers and support networks that are LGBTIQ friendly.
LGBTIQ Families Forum Sunday 13 July 2pm-6pm
@ Vulcana Womens Circus space
Level 2 /Stores building, Brisbane Powerhouse
119 Lamington St, New Farm
For any further information or interviews contact
Michelle Teresa Brady 0431 539 304