Schwulenberatung Berlin has just announced that the first LGBT kindergarten in Germany run by a gay association could soon be a reality.
A gay organisation in Germany is set to build its very first LGBT kindergarten in Berlin.
Negotiations are currently being held with landlords in the Tempelhof-Schöneberg district. A decision is expected to be made this spring.
Marcel de Groot, CEO of Schwulenberatung, told, “We want to provide an appropriate space for children of queer families as well as parents whose children need to be familiar with a very diverse lifestyle at an early age.”
The ambitious project is part of a real estate development. Schwulenberatung plans to build 60 apartments of different sizes in the centre of Schöneberg. Thirty-five apartments would be for elderly LGBT, and the remaining 25 would be for lesbians, trans and intersex people.
The complex would also be a mixed-use building, providing a school, two nursing homes, restaurant, offices and a community centre.