Power On!

A new video project helps you get rid of your old or unwanted tech and help LGBT youth.

The LGBTQ youth members of The Trevor Project’s Youth Advisory Council released two new videos in support of the technology donation campaign called “Power on.” The videos encourage people of all ages to donate their laptops, tablets and smart phones to Power On, which helps bring technology and online resources to at-risk LGBTQ teens. "Through the internet we access life-affirming resources, find role models, and meet friends who share our experiences. I worked with other members of the Trevor Youth Advisory Council to create these testimonial videos because online resources and online communities like TrevorSpace.org and other social media were, and continue to be, indispensable sources of support for us as LGBTQ youth,” said Thomas Woermer, a student-athlete at American University organizing the Power On campaign for his community project with The Trevor Project’s Youth Advisory Council.


The Power On campaign is a partnership of Straight But Not Narrow, The Trevor Project and human I-T, which helps provide LGBTQ youth in shelters and community centers with access to computers and online resources. The donated hardware is updated free of charge with the latest up-to-date security and open-source technology, and also includes other pre-loaded resources such as TrevorSpace, CenterLink, the national network of LGBTQ community centers and more.


The refurbished laptops, smart phones and tablets give underprivileged LGBTQ youth the chance to utilize online resources, connect with other LGBTQ youth and find support within the community. “A donated smart phone, tablet or computer can give a young person the support they need to be who they are, to ask for help and to power on,” said Woermer.


The Power On campaign is collecting donations of hardware through “LGBT Spirit Day” on October 16, 2014. For further information about hardware donation and about registering a homeless youth shelter or youth community center to receive a Power On donation can be found at Trvr.org/PowerOn and human-i-t.org/ally. “We hope you will be inspired to join the campaign by watching and sharing our videos, and let us know how you are helping LGBTQ youth Power On [#PowerOn] on Instagram and Twitter.”