Portrait Project Of LGBTQ Couples Kickstarter

Love Wins is a powerful archive of LGBTQ love stories.

Love Wins is a powerful archive of portraits and stories to make LGBTQ loving relationships visible, normal, and accepted.

Created by Portland based photographer Gia Goodrich, this project documents couples across the country in an effort to change cultural attitudes towards LGBTQ relationships.

Goodrich wants to start a movement to wash away old fearful beliefs and create a fertile ground of understanding and love. Love Wins has 23 days to raise $25,000 to make the project happen.

The first step in changing attitudes is to create an archive, consisting of a book and an exhibition.  

The exhibition will be made up of free-standing components with beautifully printed photographs. An excerpt from each couples’ stories will accompany for viewers to read. Goodrich hopes the exhibition can exist in highly-trafficked public places. This would allow the images and stories to bring beauty, exposure, and awareness to passersby.

The book will consist of both portraits and stories. The Love Wins team one day wants to see the books in schools, libraries, and the home. It will be a beautiful archive and educational tool that promotes acceptance and love.

For more information and to help out click here