Peek A. Booty, Part I

As an audience member, it’s really hard to ask the star performer of a burlesque show out.

So, I was very relieved when Peek A. Booty approached me for my number first.

A tall, curvy, sensual, femme, Booty is by far one of the most talented performers I have ever seen. As a triple threat, she can sing, dance and even make eating a hamburger from McDonald’s sexy – something that I never thought was possible.

The evening she asked me out, we were both being our high femme alter ego selves, complete with fake lashes, high heels and glitter. But when we met up for Chinese food a week later, the lashes, heels and glitter were gone and we were both just two normal gals on a date.

As much as I am confident in my sexiness, I’m still shocked that someone as stunning as Booty would want to date me. To ease the tension in my stomach, I immediately disclosed this fact to her.

Turns out, she felt the same about me.

Now on the same nervous self-conscious footing, we were able to fully enjoy our General Tsa tofu and walnut shrimp. We talked of polyamory, BDSM and how glitter is like herpes – just when think you got rid of it, it pops back up in the most awkward of places.

Both our fortunes read and cookies eaten, we left the restaurant. She grabbed and kissed me as soon as we were outside. We made out there on the street for awhile, much to the excitement of the whistling homeless man about a block away.

Pulling her lusciously smooth lips away from mine, she asked me to come home with her, and I graciously accepted the offer.

Being a California driver, I got us to her house two towns away in half the time it normally takes her to get home.  Once there, she grabbed my hand, pushed me against the door, and kissed me while she dug through her purse for her keys.

Excited to get inside her (house), I asked if she needed the aid of my keychain flashlight to find her keys. I knew immediately from the look on her face that a flashlight wasn’t going to help.

Her keys weren’t there, and we weren’t getting inside (each other) anytime soon.

We contemplated stripping down there in my car, but she had toys inside we were dying to use, so instead we started the hour drive to get her only spare key from a friend at his work.

Continued next week…


Blogger Bio: Queerie Bradshaw loves shoes, social justice and sex. Born a farmer’s daughter, she believes everyone deserves a good roll in the hay, and feels empowered by her feminine sexuality. She frequently travels both domestically and abroad, exploring women and wine from all regions. Now a law student who dances burlesque on the side, she fights for international rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of good porn. You can visit her website at, follow her on Twitter ( and become a fan of hers on Facebook.