Orange Is The New Black Stars Have No Time For Sexist Interview Questions

Uzo Aduba, Natasha Lyonne and Samira Wiley shut down “comedian” Rafael Cortez at a press junket for the show in Brazil.

The stars of Orange Is The New Black are busy people. As well as working hard on set to make the best show they possibly can, there’s then the job of jetting around the world to promote the show. It’s tiring work, and one thing these folk have no time for is misogynistic bullshit questions from journalists. 



At a recent junket in Brazil, Uzo Aduba, Natasha Lyonne and Samira Wiley were asked some pretty bizarre and sexist questions by interviewer Rafael Cortez who began by telling Uzo, who plays Suzanne “Crazy Eyes” Warren that he was a junket virgin and asked if she’d be his teacher, before telling her he thought she was pretty and smelled “so fine”. Sweet lord. 


He then went on to ask her if she thought the show needed a real man and asked if she wanted to see his muscles. Her reply? Simply: “No.” Burn. 


But it got worse. Undeterred, Cortez then asked Natasha Lyonne and Samira Wiley if, as beautiful ladies, they found it difficult to act “on those days” which we presume means when they’re menstruating. Seriously, did they find this guy at a Jim Davidson convention? 


Described as a comedian, we’re not sure if Cortez meant to be funny, but we didn’t get the joke and these ladies were certainly not laughing either. A bewildered looking Natasha said: “I feel like it’s accidentally a little bit misogynistic,” and went on to say: “I can’t tell if that’s actually the question but if it is it’s insane.”


A sheepish looking Cortez then hurriedly thanked Natasha and Samira for the interview. We’ve got a feeling it might be the last one he does with them. 

