Not So Casual Dating

I am still dating the playwright. Some of our friends have already planned our wedding and, while she has ceased letting some of them know she has a girlfriend, yes we have officially become “gfs.” My straight male friend Malcolm predicted exactly that it would happen after the third time we had sex. It was actually at least month, years in lesbian terms or so my more eager—and younger—lesbian friends tell me! I don’t know from lesbian years anymore. Just being cautious and taking it slow.

We are way past the “Make Out Date” stage. It’s actually quite nice to be dating another writer. I’ve always dated (and had relationships with) professionals. Not that I am not professional, in fact I have worked in corporate America for at 10+ years, but an artistic sensibility is very appealing and the Playwright’s works are very alluring. She mines the lesbian cultural/political landscape for laughs and insight as well as uses her life for material for her solo work as I have done for this blog, my personal essays, erotic fiction and memoir.

We are having fun getting to know each other and I’m not interested in seeing anyone else. In fact, I cancelled two long-planned dates with other women because I am über interested in the Playwright who also lives in Brooklyn. Her apartment, however, could not be further and more complicated to get to from where I am in Brooklyn than if I lived in anywhere in Manhattan. And, she has a roommate, not unusual for NYC, but something completely foreign to me. Thankfully the roomie likes me and it’s comfortable for me to be there—I make myself right at home and just turn on the coffee as usual when I get up at 5 a.m. and my girlfriend and the roomie are both still asleep.

Sex with the Playwright is as hot as ever. I’ve moved it seems past some of my intimacy issues in therapy the past few years of being single and working it all out. I’m present during sex and emotionally involved, which I must say really does enhance the sexual vibe and makes for a more satisfying intimate exchange, something I’ve never before experienced.