New York City To Allow Restroom Use Consistent With Gender Identity

Individuals will be allowed to use public facilities that align with their gender identity.

On Monday March 7, 2016, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio signed an executive order that will allow people to use public facilities corresponding with their gender identity.

In a press conference Mr. de Blasio said, “We want people to know they can go about their lives and not be excluded. That’s why this is so important. This is about affirming the right of someone to follow through on their own identity.”

New York has an estimated 25,000 transgender residents. Acknowledging these individuals, de Blasio said, “They are part of the fabric of life in this city, and we honor them, and we embrace them, and we believe in them. Too many transgender and gender nonconforming New Yorkers have been harassed. They’ve been made to feel out of place and uncomfortable.”

The order reads that anyone is free to use a facility “that most closely aligns with their gender identity or expression without being required to show identification, medical documentation, or any other form of proof or verification of gender.”

“New York City is the birthplace of the fight for LGBT rights, and we continue to lead in that fight so every New Yorker can live with dignity,” said Mayor de Blasio.

The new regulations were enacted immediately and apply to all city owned buildings, public parks, playgrounds, pools, recreation centers and museums. However, the new order doesn’t apply to public schools; New York City already has a policy that allows students to use locker rooms and restrooms that correspond with their gender identity.