Must-watch: Portia gives Ellen the most thoughtful gift for her 60th birthday

If you love animals, romantic gestures or Ellen DeGeneres, you need to see this


What do you get the talk show host/celesbian queen/love of your life who has everything? It's a real head-scratcher. But Portia de Rossi found the answer when she made a surprise appearance on The Ellen Show and presented her wife, Ellen DeGeneres, with the perfect gift for her 60th birthday.


The thoughtful present was so spot on it brought tears to Ellen's eyes, not to mention ours. Portia explained that she wanted to choose something that “represents who you are and what you really care about. And not just now, but what you’ve always cared about. What you were influenced by and what has made you the amazing person that you are today”.


So what was this amazing gift that embodies what has made Ellen such a spectacular human? A gorilla conservation centre. Yep, you read that right. Portia made a generous donation to the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund, to finance a new permanent home for mountain gorillas in Rwanda. The centre will be called the Ellen DeGeneres Campus of the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund. And she didn't stop there. This is the first project for the newly created Ellen DeGeneres Wildlife Fund, which Portia set up especially for her.


She told her emotional wife, “You can take this and do whatever you want with it… you can just continue and support whatever you want to do.” Ellen, who is a vegan and an animal rights campaigner, was in bits. And she wasn't the only one. She said it was “the best gift anyone could have given me. I love you”. #RelationshipGoals #Adorable




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