Lesbian Band Perpetual Detour Seeking Contributions for Equality-themed Music Video

The video will accompany their track “Little Earthquakes”, which appears on their upcoming 2nd album “Tired of the Scenery” in June 2014.

With the ongoing persecution occurring against LGBT individuals world-wide, the band wants to show the world that love looks the same, no matter who it is you love. 

How to Participate 
The band is seeking the following types of content: 
* Show your love: A short 10 second video that shows the world what love means to you as an LGBT person.
* Cuddling with your sweetie 
* Chilling at your favourite café 
* Dancing at the club 
* These clips should provide a visual snapshot of your relationship. Please keep it PG! 
*Send a message: A video of you holding a short written sign with a message about LGBT equality.
* A favourite quote about equality (properly attributed of course) 
* A short message you would like to share with the world 
* A brief sentence that describes some difficulties you’ve experienced because of being LGBT 
* A message of support (allies). 
* Keep it short – your message must be able to be read in 5-10 seconds. 
* All content should be sent to PDLittleEarthquakesVideo@gmail.com by March 24th 2014. If your content is large, please use a service like WeTransfer. Be sure to provide the names of the people in the clip, your location, and your email address. 
* As a thank you, all participants will receive 3 digital tracks from Perpetual Detour’s upcoming album, “Tired of the Scenery”. 
* Help us spread the campaign on twitter using #LittleEarthquakes