Lez/bi Love Island, polyamory and Pride

Here’s what Cydney Yeates has been thinking about this week


1. There’s no argument for not having a lesbian edition of Love Island anymore. Zilch. Zero. I’m sick and tired of hearing the laughable excuse of “it just wouldn’t work” or “it would be too complicated.” That’s an easy get out. You only have to have a brief glance at Twitter to see that there is a demand for it. And if anything, it would be educational and would show younger audiences that the only way isn’t hetero. Last year, Paul Mortimer, Head of Digital Channels at ITV confirmed there’s no room for an LGBT Love Island spin-off. He said: “The format doesn’t really allow it. If you’re familiar with the programme, it’s about coupling and recoupling.” To rub salt in the wound as well as a dagger to the heart, he also added: “We don’t want to over egg the pudding.” Look at the amount of dating shows there are right now. Most of them feature queer people on a mission to find love: First Dates, Blind Date, Take Me Out, Naked Attraction, to name but a few. Yes the gay on-screen couples are far and few between and rarely feature in every episode, but the tides are, ever so slightly, changing. How can you knock something you’ve never even given a chance? We just want to fall in love, Paul, God damn it. And everyone knows it would be entertaining AF.


2. London dating is relentless, I tell you (like I tell you every bloody week). No one has time for each other anymore as we’re all caught up in our own little bubble. And so the more I think about it, the more I realise that a part-time relationship would suit me just fine. My working hours mean that I’m only ever free in the evenings every other week, which is seriously difficult when in the early stages of meeting someone and then trying to pursue a relationship. That’s not to say it doesn’t work. I’ve tried and tested it before, got the T-shirt, etc. Why am I spewing all of this? Recently, after months of messaging, I met someone in a poly relationship who’s widening her dating pool. Months ago, I would have immediately swiped left and laughed at the thought of the set-up. But now, things are different and quite frankly, I’m up for taking the plunge.


3. I’m dragging as many of my closest friends to Pride In London with me on Saturday as possible. It will be my first time going, as an official out-of-the-closet lesbian, and it’s going to be a boozy glitter-filled day. This month has made me realise that having allies is so important, especially when you’re literally the only queer in your friendship group. So shout out to every single straight ally who has leant us a shoulder to cry on, been a beacon of support and has helped us to shine on the drabbest of days.





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