How to make your wedding even more magical

We catch up with Lamberts White Dove Release to find out why they decided to take part in our #WinYourDreamWedding competition


Have you heard about our once-in-a-lifetime Win Your Dream Wedding Day competition, in which you could snag your very own fairytale wedding day worth £15,000? Well, you have now! One of the wonderful companies taking part in this brilliant giveaway is Lamberts White Dove Release. We grabbed them for a quick chat to find out more about their services.


DIVA: Tell us about your company.

LAMBERT'S WHITE DOVE RELEASE: Lambert’s White Dove Release is owned by mother and daughter team, Viv Lambert and Laura Folan, who started the business two and a half years ago. Their doves live in two purpose-built sheds in their respective gardens and fly free all day, every day, roosting safely back in the sheds at night. Viv and Laura are widely known for their love for their doves as well as their reputation for excellent service.


What sets you apart from competitors?

Lambert’s White Dove Release is the only white dove release company in Sussex. With an eye for colour, beauty and detail, Viv and Laura take great care to make every release a special occasion for their clients, whilst holding high welfare standards for their birds. Their doves come in purpose-built baskets where they feel safest and have ample room. The baskets are decorated in flowers and ribbons to match the theme of the wedding and before the release the gathered group are told a bit about the birds, how to hold them, what to expect when they fly and how they return home, etc. The doves are used to human contact and can be handheld for release. 


What’s your experience of working with same-sex couples?

Viv and Laura have worked with same-sex couples in the past and met the organiser of this competition at Pride in 2015, where they did a number of releases with couples who went through mock wedding ceremonies.



Do you think the wedding industry generally is inclusive enough of same-sex couples?

On the fringe of the wedding industry, we have no first hand knowledge of challenges same-sex couples face when planning a wedding, but certainly most magazines and wedding fairs we’ve attended have had an unfair bias on heterosexual unions.


Tell us about your favourite wedding memory.

We always supply two doves for the couple to release, but on occasion provide more to be released following the first two, to symbolise people the couple would have loved to be at their wedding but who can only attend in spirit. Viv’s favourite wedding memory is of watching a bride so gently cradle her dove and give it a message to take to her much-loved brother who had been killed several years earlier. As she watched the bird fly and join the others the joy on her face was beautiful.


What advice would you give to a couple planning their wedding?

Give yourself plenty of time: to plan it and to enjoy the day!


Why have you decided to take part in this competition?

Because we believe in same-sex marriage.


What can the winner expect from you on their big day?

Excellent service – and a memory they’ll treasure forever.

Find out how to enter our Win Your Wedding Day competition by clicking here.



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