Paleo Chocolate Cake

Our resident healthy foodie has an incredible healthy chocolate cake for you to try at home.

Paleo Chocolate Cake

These little cakes are absolutely divine! Being paleo means they are sugar, dairy and grain free so they are also a relatively healthy treat. The ganache` icing is not quite paleo but there is no sugar or dairy added, just what is in the chocolate. The icing compliments the cake so well, I could not use a different one!

I cooked this with kids, so it is super simple. They ate it all up too, which means it must also be delicious, as we all know kids can be the toughest and most honest critics. Their parents loved it too making it a winner all round!

You can cut the cake into little baby cakes like I did or if your cooking it for a birthday you might like to keep it as a whole cake.

Recipe adapted from my favourite blogs and live right be healthy.

Since writing this recipe I have created a vegan and paleo version of the ganache`. You can get the recipe here.


Serves 10 small slices.

1/3 cup coconut flour, plus 1-2 tbsp extra if needed

1/4 cup good quality cacao powder

1/4 tsp baking soda

1/4 tsp celtic sea salt

3 eggs

1/4 cup coconut oil

Butter or oil for greasing cake tin

1/2 cup maple syrup

1/2 tbsp vanilla extract

1/4 cup water

1 batch of sweet potato chocolate ganache`

1 punnet of strawberries, thinly sliced into rounds.


1. Preheat oven to 180 C.
2. Mix the dry ingredients together in a bowl: coconut flour, cacao powder, baking soda, salt. Set aside.

3. In a separate bowl, whisk eggs with electric beater until pale, light and very fluffy. Try to make them as fluffy as possibly as this will create a light and moist cake but keep an eye on them as you don’t want to them either.

4. Add the oil, maple syrup, water and vanilla extract into the egg and continue to whisk until combined.


5. Gradually pour wet ingredients into the dry ingredients, and stir in gently to combine with a wooden or metal spoon. The batter should not be too runny but still fluffy and thick. You want it to be a batter that can pour out with the help of a spoon and scraper. If it is too runny add a tablespoon of coconut flour and if it is too thick add some more water, 1 tbsp at a time.

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6. Pour batter into prepared cake tin and spread it out evenly.

7. Bake for 15-20 minutes in a fan forced oven/20-25 min in a conventional or gas oven or until a skewer come sout clean.

8. Allow to cool in tin for 10 minutes and then on a wire rack until room temperature.

9. Cover cake with ganache`.


10. Cut the edges off each side to make the cake even.

11 Top with strawberries.

12 Cut into small squares or serve as a whole cake with a bowl of creamy coconut ice cream to dollop next to each slice.

13. Enjoy!


About Radha

Radha is a passionate healthy-foodie from Sydney, Australia. By day she is the director of a community based preschool, which she is also very passionate about and by night you will find her working on new recipes, writing for her blog and cooking for her new grain free and ‘clean eating’ catering company.

She loves food and cooking and wants to spread the healthy-foodie love with her blog and delicious paleo inspired treats. When she is not working you will find her spinning around on a pole (she has done pole dance classes for 6 years), working out at her gym, stretching and breathing at power yoga or cooking up a storm for her friends.

She is always looking for a challenge in the kitchen and loves thinking up ways to make sugar free and grain free dishes. Her favourite thing to do is find a ‘standard’ recipe and change it to make it clean, paleo and delicious. At the moment you can find her at her catering business page:, her instagram account: the_feel_good_kitchen or her blog:  however a better and brighter blog is on the way, which she will tell us about when it is up and running!