Girls On Film 2: Before Dawn

A summer of love selection of lesbian shorts.


The Summer’s here and girls just want to have fun!  At last, Peccadillo is releasing a second volume of Girls On Film short film compilations.  Before The Dawn brings together eleven films from UK and international short filmmakers offering dreams, romance, desires and temptation.  Many of the films have screened at prominent film festivals such as BFI Flare, Toronto International Film Festival, Iris Prize and Sundance Film Festival.


UK talent comes from Silly Girl, by Hope Dickson Leach, director of the recently released feature The Levelling and co-written by Game of Thrones’ Ellie Kendrik; Rob Savage’s chilling Dawn of The Deaf featuring Emily Bevan (TV’s Doc Marten, Grantchester); and Max Disgrace’s erotically charged Crystal Clear.


Here’s more details of five of the shorts featured of this hotly anticipated compilation.



New York is the setting of an emerging and slightly tumultuous relationship, where a young fan comes face to face with her idol, featuring Rebecca Henderson (APPROPRIATE BEHAVIOUR, MISTRESS AMERICA).


Battalion to my Beat

Set in the Western Saharan refugee camps in Algeria, the story follows a rebellious teenager, Mariam, who decides to run away from the camps to join the army in the middle of the desert, believing herself a Jeanne D’Arc who will liberate her homeland from occupation.


Crystal Clear

An erotic narration of a date unfolds, packed with fantasy, expectations, and unnecessary emotional baggage, whilst we watch from a self-touching sexual point-of-view.


Dawn of the Deaf

When a strange sound wipes out the hearing population, a small group of deaf people are left behind but can they survive?


Silly Girl

Silly Girl is about the first time you are noticed, the first time someone sees you for who you are, and the transformative nature of that moment.


We’ll be refreshing this article soon with details of the other six films on Girls on Film 2.


The full list of films includes: Happy and Gay. Dir. Loreli Pepi (USA); No Matter Who. Dir. Anne Claire (France); B.  Dir. Kai Stanicke (Germany); Silly Girl.  Dir. Hope Dickson Leach (UK); Crystal Clear Max Disgrace (UK); Dawn of the Deaf. Dir. Rob Savage (UK); Playing With Balls.  Dir. Nanna Kristín Magnúsdóttir (Iceland); Enjoy The Drama. Dir. Lud Mônaco (Canada/Brazil); Plunge. Dir. Kate Lefoe (Australia); Actresses. Dir. Jeremy Hersh (USA); and Battalion To My Beat. Dir Elmi Imanishi (Algeria).


Girls On Film 2: Before Dawn is released on DVD on  24 July  by Peccadillo Pictures

RELEASE DATE:  24 JULY     RUNNING TIME: 120 MINS (approx)    RRP  £15.99     twitter @peccapics    Facebook:  Peccadillo Pictures / GirlsOnFilmUK



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