Lesbians First Down The Aisle In Portugal

Helena Paixao, right, and Teresa Pires, left, hold hands while getting married at a civil registry office on Monday, June 7, 2010 in Lisbon.

Lesbians Teresa Pires and Helena Paixao have become the first gay couple to marry in Portugal since the country introduced a law allowing gay marriage in May.

Teresa and Helena, divorced mothers on their 30’s who have been together since 2003, are the first same-sex couple to wed in Portugal since the predominantly Catholic country introduced a law allowing gay marriage. (AP Photo/ Francisco Seco)

“This is a great victory, a dream come true,” said Pires. “Now we’re a family, that’s the important thing.”

Pires and Paixao had campaigned for law reform since a registry office turned them away in 2006. They appealed to Portugal’s Constitutional Court because the constitution forbids discrimination based on sexual orientation. They were defeated in court but a parliamentary bill supported them.

The pair said they would continue to fight for gay rights, especially adoption.