œQueer Kid Stuff Is The New Educational LGBTQ+ Web Series For Kids

Eliminating stigma by educating future generations.

Queer representation and content for children is scarce. Lindsay Amer was well aware of this fact and decided to create “Queer Kid Stuff,” a new educational LGBTQ+ web series for kids.

“Queer Kid Stuff” aims to eliminate stigma by educating future generations through free and entertaining videos.

The series will consist of 10 kid-friendly episodes with the pilot episode, What Does Gay Mean?, premiering on May 10, 2016. The rest of the videos will premiere in Fall of 2016 and will have topics including non-binary and trans identities, marriage equality, and feminism and queer themes in children’s pop culture.

In What Does Gay Mean? Lindsay and her co-host/best stuffed friend, Teddy defines ‘gay’ through a kid-friendly vlog-style conversation focused on love and family. The series also comes with free printable activity sheets to accompany the episodes.  The activity sheet emphasizes the video’s lesson through activities that are fun and can be completed at home, in the classroom, or wherever there might be a box of crayons around.

The video can also be used by parents, teachers, and LGBTQ+ adults to explain what gay is to the young children in their lives.

To help fund the first full season of videos which will be posted for free on YouTube and will activity sheets, visit the Queer Kid Stuff Patreon page.

More Information:

Official Website



