œGame Changers: Lesbians You Should Know About

This lesbian herstory book is what we wish we had in school!

Crystal Jang, APIQWTC co-founder, is one of the wonderful lesbians featured.


Recently, the California State Board of Education voted to implement something called The FAIR Act, which requires the inclusion of LGBT studies in the California public school curriculum. Hurrah!


In response to this momentous act, Robin Lowey, the Founder, Publisher, Curator and Editor-in-Chief of the popular online magazine Epochalips: Smart Lesbian Commentary, has started a new book project, entitled "'Game Changers: Lesbians You Should Know About”.



This is will be an important book about lesbians who made significant contributions to LGBTQ culture over the past 30 years, copies of which will be donated to libraries and schools throughout the Bay Area.


Says Lowey, “The book's purpose is to educate today’s LGBTQ youth on their female heroes.


Game Changers pays tribute to lesbians who came out early in their lives and whose tremendous cultural and legal accomplishments helped define the current LGBTQ culture in the USA. The featured women made specific long-term contributions towards raising LGBTQ awareness, eliminating discrimination and changing laws. 


Whatever freedom today's young LGBTQ members enjoy is based on these women's courage, hard work and sacrifices. 


I think its safe to assume that when The FAIR Act is implemented there will be a poster of Harvey Milk in most California classrooms. With all due respect to history, while Milk helped make real changes to the civil rights laws, there are also trailblazing women who need to be celebrated! Together, we can make this happen.”



Lowey has already completed one successful crowd-funding campaign, raising $10, 000 for the project. She is now doing a second campaign to raise the other $10, 000 needed. We say, empty your pockets, sisters! There are all kinds of packages you can purchase, from $25 and up.


There is little that is more important than teaching our young girls and women – particularly those of them who identify, or will identify, as LGBTI – the legacy that they will be continuing in their fight for equal rights. Right on, ladies!