Protest Margaret Court This Thursday

Protest Margaret Court This Thursday
Margaret Court

The Liberal Party has asked Court to be the keynote speaker at their fundraiser this Thursday.

Much to our disgust, the Liberal Party is hosting a fundraiser in Melbourne at which outspoken bigot Margaret Court will be the featured speaker. Also in attendance will be conservative Liberal politicians Tony Abbott and Kevin Andrews.

Equal Love is organising a rally to bring together all those who were outraged at Court’s hateful anti-LGBTI comments, as well as all those outraged that the Liberal Party would endorse her sentiment by hosting her as a keynote speaker at a fundraising event.

We will be demanding that the Liberal Party condemn Court’s comments and donate any money raised at this event to LGBTI welfare organisations.

Attendees are encouraged to bring or wear rainbow colours.

Time: 5:30pm
Day: Thursday 22 June 2017
Place: Atheneum Mens’ Club, 87 Collins Street
Melbourne VIC 3000
(between Russell Street and Spring Street)