Career Coaching For Lesbians

Are you on the right career path? What would you change if you could?

Do you dream of making changes in your life but are overcome by fear and or resistance when it comes to making changes? What would you change if you could?   What might you be doing  if you were living the life you’ve always wanted?  How can you know what changes are right for you? What can get in the way of making those changes? How do you begin to make and sustain these changes?

Coaching will support you to ask these deeper creative questions that have real meaning in your life……. so what is coaching?

Coaching is a way to generate lasting change in your life, it can inspire you to find your true potential, to discover your passion and live your dreams.  Effective and creative coaching speaks to the whole of you – including your soul, it sees you as the expert in your life, believing you are creative, resourceful and whole.  Coaching can also improve your outlook on life, strengthen your connection to yourself and others and unlock your creative potential.

 Your coach and you will work together to:

  • Find out who you truly are and discover what you want to achieve
  • Generate solutions
  • Follow up decisions and actions

Coaching for lesbians:

As lesbians we undertake a lot of counselling and this is a sign of our great commitment to self care and personal development.  Coaching has not been utilised in our community, however it is gaining popularity world wide as a result of its success in generating sustained change by focusing on what matters most.  Coaching is a great way of gaining creative support through life’s journeys and transitions and to build the life you have dreamed of.

Career coaching:

Are you are unhappy and dissatisfied at work? Dream of flying out of bed in the morning with the joy of going to work? Are so nervous and or frightened of moving jobs that you are feeling stuck? Do you desperately want more of a work life balance?  Always wanted to work for yourself and don’t know where to start?

Career coaching can help you to move forward with purpose and passion, based on a clearer understanding of your strengths, values, interests and personality preferences. Along with career guidance, coaching can also use a range of cutting edge techniques to help you explore and develop skills to overcome the anxieties that inevitably come with change. These techniques can help build confidence, develop greater self-awareness and resilience so that you feel engaged and fulfilled in your work life.

Career coaching can help you to:

  • Clarify your career direction.
  • Learn how to become a more creative and mindful leader.
  • Build your self-belief and confidence.
  • Overcome ‘imposter syndrome’.
  • Understand your unique strengths.
  • Reconnect you with the things you’re passionate about.
  • Build authentic relationships.
  • Bring creativity into your life, even if it can’t be your career for now.
  • Improve your experience in your current workplace.
  • Bring a range of passions together to make your life more meaningful.
  • Understand how to transition into your own creative startup.
  • Create a more balanced and meaningful life.

With coaching you can also find support to:

  • Come Out with confidence
  •  Retire (and or wind down from work)
  •  Having more fun
  •  Feel more connection
  •  Small business support
  •  IVF support
  •  Having more creativity in your life