Gentleman Jack is a historical drama television series created by Sally Wainwright. Set in 1832 in Yorkshire, it stars Suranne Jones as landowner and industrialist Anne Lister. The series is based on the collected diaries of Lister, which contain over four million words and are written largely in secret code, documenting a lifetime of lesbian relationships. Variety said, “Wainwright makes an intriguing choice that sets up a decidedly adult romance about devotion, trust and partnership that is rare for TV in general, let alone for lesbian characters in a period piece.” Ann Lister’s unapologetic existence as a butch lesbian is nothing short of thrilling. I say it’s a fantastic production and the only disappointment is that there are apparently no LGBTQ+ people involved in creating it.
Gentleman Jack is a historical drama television series created by Sally Wainwright. Set in 1832 in Yorkshire, it stars Suranne Jones as landowner and industrialist Anne Lister. The series is based on the collected diaries of Lister, which contain over four million words and are written largely in secret code, documenting a lifetime of lesbian relationships. Variety said, “Wainwright makes an intriguing choice that sets up a decidedly adult romance about devotion, trust and partnership that is rare for TV in general, let alone for lesbian characters in a period piece.” Ann Lister’s unapologetic existence as a butch lesbian is nothing short of thrilling. I say it’s a fantastic production and the only disappointment is that there are apparently no LGBTQ+ people involved in creating it.