I do

Last week Katy Robson-Malone married the woman of her dreams. This week she tells us all about it.

Last week I married the love of my life in what was one of the best days I've ever lived.


L looked completely stunning. She took my breath away standing waiting for me faffing with my dress on the landing of the Guildhall in Windsor. She was shining like a new penny and had a beaming smile from ear to ear. I'd waited all my life for this moment.


That morning L asked if she could just turn up to the evening reception so it was great to see her for our ceremony! I was relieved as I knew how uncomfortable she felt about being centre stage but I saw the happiness in her eyes and felt my body relax. I couldn't wait to say, "I do" as I gripped her hand tightly walking down the aisle together.


We had our civil partnership 10 years ago in Newcastle and, since the law changed allowing us to marry, we had talked about it happening but I never really thought we would do it. There is always something else which comes up and since having the kids I always feel like there are better ways to spend our money. But we finally did it and what a great PARTY it was.


Little G Force and Ducklips were our beautiful flower girls who stole the show completely. They weren't dainty and angelic, or quiet and compliant. They were the complete opposite, shouting and moaning, disrupting the service. We absolutely loved it. They were exactly how they usually were and we embraced it with one child each placed on a hip whilst we were exchanging vows. This is our reality and I'm glad everyone got to see it that way.


Although Storm Doris made an appearance we still managed to get some great pictures outdoors and afterwards we celebrated with a wedding breakfast at the Harte and Garter Hotel, Windsor. They have a very elegant ballroom which fitted perfectly with our ideas of grandeur and couldn't have done more to make the day one to remember. It was refreshing to see how geared up they were for same-sex marriages compared to our experience looking at venues 10 years ago in Newcastle, when they only had brochures for heterosexual couples and referred only to "brides and grooms".


There were so many parts to the day which made it awesome, from the piper to the Guard of Honour, my work colleagues did in their uniform, to our best woman performing a rap to the theme tune of Fresh Prince of Bel Air for her speech. It deservedly received a standing ovation from the guests. Then there was the shot bar in the evening which was well visited. I lost count after nine although my bridesmaid was keeping tabs!! Both L and I regretted that in the morning as we tried to enjoy our breakfast in the bridal suite but nothing could bring us down from cloud nine after such an extraordinary day.


Until three days later. Why oh why did nobody warn me about how gutted and emotional I would be a few days later? It was like the baby blues but the wedding blues. Such sadness that it was all over and now normal life was about to begin again, which I had craved desperately through all of the stressful days leading up to it, and here I was doing the weekly shop at Tesco with only the faint glow of the spray tan and the shimmer of my manicured nails to convince me I hadn't dreamt it.


One of the nursery teachers said, "You'll just have to have another baby". …Ha ha! Yes, she is right. We will!!! I'm so excited for the rest of our lives together.



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