National Lesbian And Bisexual Women’s Health Week

What it is, why we need it and 7 ways to get involved.


What it is

The National LGB&T Partnership is launching the country’s first ever National Lesbian and Bisexual Women’s Health Week, which will run from 13-17 March 2017.


Claudia Carvell, Women’s Programme Coordinator at the LGBT Foundation (the lead partner in the National LGB&T Partnership) told us:


“When it comes to healthcare, lesbian, bisexual and other women who have sex with women continue to face a range of barriers, and inequalities still exist. The aim of the week is to raise awareness of the issues but also to celebrate and promote some of the great work being done in this area by groups and services across the country. We would encourage everyone to visit the website to find out how they can be part of the change.”


Why we need it

The stats on LB women’s health are sobering.

21% of bi women and 12% of lesbians have a long term mental health problem, compared to just 4% of straight women.

Lesbians and bi women are more than twice as likely to binge drink as straight women.

36% of LB women reported that health professionals had assumed they were heterosexual.

37% of LB women asked had been advised they did not need a cervical screening test due to their sexuality. This led to over half of these women disengaging from screening programmes due to the false belief they were not at risk.

As you can see, it is vital to raise awareness about LB women’s health issues now.


7 Ways you can get involved

The National LGB&T Partnership is keen for health organisations, politicians, media outlets and fabulous individuals like you to get involved. Here’s how you can make a difference.

  1. Download and share the brilliant LB Women’s Health Week resources. You can get your hands on them here.
  2. Pledge to do something for LB Women’s Health Week and let them know so they can spread the word.
  3. Pen a short blog post about the activity you’re planning and why it’s important. This will then be shared through the National LGB&T Partnership blog.
  4. Raise awareness about LB Women’s Health Week on social media by joining their Thunderclap campaign. #LBWomensHealth17
  5. Change your social media profile pic to show your support for National LB Women’s Health Week. You can download the image here.
  6. Use the poster to express why National LB Women’s Health Week is important to you. Then take a selfie with it and post it on Twitter with the hashtag #LBWomensHealth17 during the week.
  7. Sign up to the campaign newsletter to make sure you’re the first to hear more.

Visit the website for more info and to access campaign support materials.

National Lesbian and Bisexual Women’s Health Week will take place 13-17 March 2017.