The Drama Continues …

Brittney Griner and Glory Johnson’s relationship continues to deteriorate.


It’s hard to comprehend how a couple that seemed so very much in love have turned on a dime and now despise one another so vehemently. Ever since Brittney Griner pulled the plug on her 28-day marriage to Glory Johnson back in June, the two WNBA stars have taken to Instagram to take subtle (and not-so-subtle) digs at each other.


In court documents retrieved from the filing of the annulment, Griner alleged that Johnson was unfaithful and “intentionally concealed her sexual relations with a man to whom she was simultaneously in a relationship from 2013 to July 2014.” Johnson, of course, denies these allegations. And just last week, an Arizona found no legal basis for an annulment. Griner and Johnson have no choice but to proceed with a costly divorce. The judge also denied Johnson’s request for spousal support, in which Johnson was asking $20,000 per month. Even with all of Griner’s endorsements, WNBA salary and overseas salary—that’s a pretty steep amount.



As for the twins now growing in Johnson’s belly, it’s a she said/she said kind of thing. Griner has denied any involvement in the process of in vitro fertilization and is therefore forgoing any and all parental responsibilities. Johnson says that Griner was fully involved and aware of the process. Subsequently, the judge told Johnson she can file to apply for child support after the twins are born.


If Griner and Johnson had in fact discussed starting a family and were actively pursuing in vitro fertilization options, then Griner needs to step up and find a way to contribute. Like marriage, bringing children into this world isn’t something you casually commit to.


Let’s rewind for a second, shall we?


This time last year, Griner and Johnson were newly engaged—after only being together for two months. Being professional basketball players, they hardly spent any time together face-to-face. It’s hard to really get to know someone on a deep level when you only see them every once and a while. Marriage isn’t easy, and it’s not something anyone should just blindly jump into. Unfortunately, both Griner and Johnson learned this the hard way.


Griner is currently wrapping up her WNBA season. She’ll head overseas after that to play internationally. I’m sure it will be a welcome respite for her. But these issues aren’t going away anytime soon. Sure, you can run up and down a basketball court for a couple of hours, clear your mind and be free. But you can’t run away from life.


It always catches up with you.