Mother’s Day with two mummies

“Mother’s day is a celebration of us as Mummies but it is also bittersweet.”

Mother's day is a celebration of us as Mummies but it is also bittersweet, especially for L, when this is only the second year without her own mam. It is a nice time to reflect on her and the influence she has had on our lives. She would be so proud of the wonderful Mammy her daughter has become and will certainly be smiling down at L.


This morning there were beautiful cards exchanged that we had both coordinated with the girls to scribble some sort of unreadable message inside with G insisting I draw around her feet several times as she likes the crayon tickling her little toes. So sweet. We were also spoilt with all of the crafty Mothers day gifts the girls made at nursery with their teachers making a special effort to make sure both Mammy and Mummy were recognised. It's little gestures like this that make us smile with the thoughtfulness of people and give us hope that in the future our family will be “normal” to everyone and there will be no negative situations that the girls have to deal with.


Bit like me getting asked if one of us celebrates on Mother's day and one of us on Father's day! The answer is no after the obligatory WTF stare face. No! We are two Mums. We are not pretending to be a Dad or anything else to that matter. Our girls only have two Mummies and will only have two Mummies. They will not know any different as it is their normal, our normal, and we don't need to plug any socially-induced gaps or expectations that we need to have a Father in their lives.


Today I'm so thankful for the journey we have already been on with this being our 4th Mother's Day and excited for our front row tickets we have to ride this roller coaster epic journey of parenthood.


As much as it's hard work being a Mum and there are times when I moan, there are tears, feel like I'm pushed to the limits and can't do it, it's still the best job in the world. Although I crave peace, relaxing ME time, unsupervised toilet breaks and a full night's sleep; seeing pictures of my two girls cuddling each other through the fence at nursery warms my heart and gives me magical sparkly feelings from my toes to my nose and I know that things are amazing. We must be doing something right or its a fluke!!


Thankfully I have my partner in crime – L, the wonderful and more fun Mammy, here to share the load, albeit not always as equal shares during the night!! We are a dream team and today has been spent pretty relaxed enjoying our company apart from the mandatory bickering about who would be getting to nap with the kids this afternoon. Thankfully the girls did good and napped together so we managed a cheeky hour which we both needed. L is my support and my rock and when I'm pushed to the brink she's there to pick up the pieces and vice versa. Our girls steal our last bit of cake/chocolate that we're really looking forward to, our last ounce of energy, our privacy and our sleep in rather large quantities but all of that is nothing compared to how much they have stolen our hearts.



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