A new web series that’s about more than just being gay. Gold Stars brings humor, wit and a look into the life of two broke young adults.
Lane Moore brings us her witty, charming brainchild that is Gold Stars, a series based on two friends, one gay, Cassie, played by Moore, and one straight, Anna, played by Molly Knefel (30 Rock, Melissa Harris-Perry). Their sexual orientation is so infrequently brought up that the viewer loses themselves not in a show about being gay, but in the lives of two hilarious women in the day-by-day. Lane herself states her desire to have the show focus on aspects that aren't only based on sexual orientation or gender.
"My goal is to make the queerness/gender issues blend into the background so it's not a gay show about gay people who are gay, it's a show about people who are broke and taking jobs that are fucked up," said Moore.
Gender issues are certainly not the main focus, with the main characters themselves being unique individuals who bring to the screen an unlikely friendship that draws you in and makes you feel like you're watching your own life. Cassie and Anna have left the humdrum office world to become Craigslist job hunters, spending their days hunkered down over a laptop and searching for employment ranging from the mundane to the fetish-fantastic.
Lane Moore, Gold Stars Creator
Moore also brings to the table a fantastic pairing of song to scene, with each piece of music working into the background in a way that makes the scene not only entertaining, but also memorable. As Cassie and Anna interview potential roommates, for example, the music Moore chooses for awkward exploration of their apartment adds a comical aspect that enhances the entire process in an almost old-style comic fashion. The music Moore brings to this project is her own, and snippets of her work can be heard at LaneMoore.org.
Having worked on Gold Stars for about two years, Moore has shared some of the opinions she has gathered about the series, perhaps the best of which was, "Too gay. Can you tone down how gay it is?" To tone down even an iota of this fantastic series would be to lose depth and character that develops the characters of Cassie and Anna into people you'd hope to run into on the street or have over for a rousing game of Cards Against Humanity.
Moore brings to the web a series that smacks of clever banter and amusing quips that shows two people making the best of situations in order to remain the people they want to be. To bring this series to the web is to bring a comfortable couch into an empty room and fill it with friends, as they sit in a coffee shop and traverse the ups and downs of life, friendship and Craigslist. So have a seat and a cup of tea, because you're going to want to stay for a while (facebook.com/GoldStarsShow).