Proof Lesbians And Bisexual Women Are Having The Best Sex

New study reveals gay women more likely to orgasm than straight counterparts.

A new study into people’s sexual behaviour reveals that 86% of lesbians have an orgasm every time they have sex.


Bisexual women aren’t quite so lucky, with 66% of them reporting a similar frequency of orgasms. And let’s take a moment to feel sorry for straight women. They are having by far the least luck when it comes to coming with only a third of them experiencing an orgasm every time they had sex.


These new findings are from researchers from the Kinsey Institute, Chapman University, Indiana University, who studied the orgasm frequency of over 52,000 American adults of various genders and sexual orientations.


Their study concluded that lesbians were more likely to orgasm because other women have a better understanding of female anatomy and how to get other women off. They also noted that gay women are more likely to take turns than straight men.