Italian Court Will Recognize Lesbian Couple’s Adoption Request

Italian Court To Recognise First Adoption Request From A Lesbian Couple

Ruling allows both mothers more parental rights but not the same legal status as a heterosexual couple that adopts.

A family court in Rome has become the first Italian court to recognize the adoption of the children of a same-sex couple.

Currently, Italy is experiencing conflict surrounding the rights of LGBT individuals. Last week the senate voted in approval of same-sex civil unions.  The approval was only achieved after it was negotiated that a clause allowing an individual to adopt a partner’s biological child was edited out.

The couple, who have remained unnamed, submitted their application under an existing piece of legislation that states that the right of a child to “ongoing affection” is a key factor in deciding to grant adoption requests.

Francesca Carato, the lawyer for the couple, said, “Each of these two little girls has a biological parent and a social parent who share parental responsibility fully and equally.”

The ruling allows both women more parental rights but it does not allow the couple the same legal status that heterosexual couples are granted when they adopt. The two children will share a surname but will not legally be recognized as sisters.