Just 1 in 5 oppose marriage equality in Northern Ireland

New poll finds 76% believe gay marriage should be legal


Northern Ireland is the only part of the UK or Ireland which still bans marriage for same-sex couples, even with majority support among the public and in the Northern Ireland Assembly.


In November 2015, a majority of MLAs in the Assembly voted to support equal marriage, but the measure was blocked by the DUP using a Petition of Concern, a voting mechanism designed to protect the rights of minorities in Northern Ireland.


The new poll, conducted by Sky Data for Sky News, found 76% of respondents believe gay marriage should be legal in Northern Ireland, with only 18% voting against marriage equality.



Campaigners for marriage equality in Northern Ireland handed in a petition signed by more than 46,000 people to Downing Street on 28 March 2018.


The petition, organised by Amnesty International, Love Equality NI and All Out, is calling for the Government’s support in passing marriage equality legislation for Northern Ireland to bring the region into line with the rest of the UK.


Labour MP Conor McGinn introduced his Marriage (Same Sex Couples) (Northern Ireland) Bill to the House of Commons, just one day after Conservative peer Lord Hayward introduced his identical Bill in the House of Lords.


Campaigners have described the parallel Bills as a “powerful demonstration of cross-party, cross-parliamentary support” for the push to bring marriage equality to Northern Ireland, the last part of the UK or Ireland where same-sex marriage is still unlawful.


“We have received huge support for our campaign for marriage equality in Northern Ireland from politicians across the political spectrum, and in both Houses of Parliament”, said Patrick Corrigan, Amnesty Northern Ireland programme director and a member of the Love Equality campaign.


“We are calling on the Government to recognise this momentum for change and to introduce their own legislation to deliver equal marriage for Northern Ireland without further delay.


“The Prime Minister has previously said that LGBT people in Northern Ireland should have equal marriage rights.


“The time has come for her to right this wrong, and turn this commitment into a reality sooner rather than later.”


For more on marriage equality and to find out about their active campaigns visit amnesty.org.uk



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