This International Women’s Day Join The Power Spend

Skip your daily coffee and change the world instead.

Did you know that women drive up to 80% of all spending? This International Women’s Day, let’s use our combined spending power a little differently.

For one day of the year, skip your daily luxe coffee, don’t bother buying that new top or eat in instead of at a fancy restaurant. Then donate your spare cash to The Power Spend, a brilliant project to raise funds for three amazing women’s rights charities:

Refuge, which provides support and safe houses for women and children escaping domestic violence in the UK.

Rosa Fund, a UK charity which fights for equality for all women and girls from closing the gender pay gap to championing women’s safety.

National Organization for Women in the U.S, who work to eliminate discrimination and protect the equal rights of women and girls in all aspects of social, political, and economic life.

The fabulous feminists behind this genius plan, who work together at ad agency Wunderman, are Charlotte Khushi (art director), Lucy Eldridge (copywriter) and Sophie Williams (creative producer).

Sophie told us, “We want to help women to help themselves and each other by making tiny changes and choices that will have a huge impact.”

Lucy agreed adding, “With regressive policies threatening to drag us back to the 1950s, we need to flex the power that we fought for in the only language the leaders of the world understand. Money. Even if you’re strapped for cash, that doesn’t mean you can’t get involved, champion this campaign and use the power of social media to encourage your friends and family to give to this worthy cause.”

Remember to donate that spare cash to the fundraising page here.

Find out more by watching the video below.

The Power Spend from Charlotte Khushi on Vimeo.