SNP calls for 2017 to be a ‘year of progress’ for transgender equality

The party’s equalities spokeswoman, Angela Crawley MP, has called for transgender people to be fully protected under UK law.

The Lanark and Hamilton East MP will jointly lead a debate on transgender equality in the House of Commons later on Thursday.

The Scottish Government has pledged to reform its gender recognition law to meet “international best practice” and ensure all those who have or are transitioning from one gender to another, or who identify as neither male nor female, can secure official recognition of this without the need for medical evaluation.

It would also allow young people to make the amendments, with permission from parents needed for under-16s. However, the measures will only apply to those born within Scotland.

Speaking ahead of the debate Crawley said: “While Scotland has made huge progress towards achieving LGBTI equality in recent years, and is now rated the best country in Europe for LGBTI rights, we still have further to go – particularly when it comes to tackling the prejudice and discrimination that trans and non-binary people continue to face.

“I hope that 2017 can be a year of progress for transgender equality in Scotland and across the UK.

“The Scottish Government is already committed to reforming gender recognition law in Scotland to meet international best practice and the UK government should match this commitment so all trans and non-binary people in the UK are fully able to access their human right to legal gender recognition.

“I also urge the UK government to listen to LGBTI equality organisations and reform the Equality Act 2010 so that all trans, non-binary and intersex people are fully protected by anti-discrimination provisions.”