What did Ellen have to say about Trumps travel ban?

It had a lot to do with the plot of Finding Dory.

On Sunday afternoon, Trump watched Ellen’s hit movie, Finding Dory, at his first official White House film screening, presumably at the request of his ten-year-old son.

In a monologue on her chat show, the comedian and unofficial queen of the lesbians highlighted the irony of this choice in light of the recent travel ban he implemented, which stops people from seven predominantly Muslim countries entering the US.

She explained that in the film Dory lives in Australia but wants to join her parents in America:

“Dory ends up at the Marine Life Institute behind a large wall… You won’t believe it, but that wall has almost no effect in keeping them out.”

She spoke about all the different animals who help Dory to be reunited with her family:

“They help her even though they’re completely different colours because that’s what you do when you see someone in need, you help them.”

She shared the clip on Twitter, so hopefully Trump, avid tweeter that he is, took notice.

Watch the video below: