How challenger banks are shaking up the system

Tandem Bank talk how to save yourself stress and become “life rich”


You walk hurriedly into a bank, it’s open five days a week but only during the hours you’re at work. It has a disconcerting, clinical smell that takes you back to dry cleaners and hire car rental.


You pass a buffet of paper slips waiting to be fed into an imposing wall of machines and enter the sea of people waiting. They’re impatient, partly because they’re pressed for time and partly because of the fluorescent lighting that cuts the room. Beyond the queue is an attendant, clad in a standard issue polyester uniform, slightly muffled, behind a pane of glass.


This is what banking has looked like for almost a century but there’s a new breed of bank in town…


What happens when you combine 21st century tech with 21st century attitudes? A 21st century bank working with you, not against you.


If you haven't yet signed up to one of these banking apps then we’ll give you some insight into what you can expect.



What it says on the tin: The idea is that if you have 360° visibility of all of your accounts in a single app there’s less clutter on your home screen and, more importantly, less time wasted struggling to remember passwords or find the flicking between apps.



New banks can use artificial intelligence to flag areas of your spending like duplicate payments, unnecessary fees, and high bills as you spend, avoiding those nasty surprises that make your stomach turn and can result in running out of cash well before payday.


What does APR stand for and what the hell is a credit score? You’re often left to wrestle with a whole lot of confusing terminology and can end up getting stung with a charge. Challengers are straight talking and aim to demystify your finances.


New banks want to help you live a better life. They encourage you to travel by making overseas fees a thing of the past and listen to how people actually want to spend and save. Tandem’s mission is to only make money when you do.


Modern banking is a whole lot different to what you’ve come to expect, and that’s a good thing!


When Tandem set out to build a better bank they asked their 11,000-strong community what they wanted and started building a bank based off those ideas. Tandem are now rolling out four new app features a week that work for you and not against you.


If you haven't experienced what if feels like to be life rich, then pop into the app store and try a new kind of bank. Go wherever you want, be whoever you want to be, and leave them to worry about all that boring money stuff.​


To find out more visit



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