Monkey Sex

A friend recently told me she had read the last few entries of this blog: “It’s great that you and [my girlfriend] are still having monkey sex after, what, almost a year and a half?” One of my girlfriend’s friends, whom she doesn’t see much of but with whom she… Read more »

April 2010

Peek A. Booty, Part I

As an audience member, it’s really hard to ask the star performer of a burlesque show out. So, I was very relieved when Peek A. Booty approached me for my number first. A tall, curvy, sensual, femme, Booty is by far one of the most talented performers I have ever… Read more »

April 2010

The J.Lo Low-Down

The Back-up Plan” premieres this week and it’s Jennifer Lopez’ first film since birthing twins. It’s also the first feature film directed by Alan Poul, producer of Six Feet Under, Tales of the City and an advocate for gay rights. This is the third romantic comedy that J.Lo has starred… Read more »

April 2010

The Pressure to be Poly

I’m not one to bow to peer pressure. I usually don’t even feel it or deal with it. For example, people often want me to have beer with them, but I don’t drink alcohol for the most part. So I don’t have a drink even when they appeal to me… Read more »

April 2010

Formally The Same

In some ways, law school is exactly like high school. You have the same cliques – the partiers, the nerds, the over-achievers—and the same clubs—student government, future business-people, Christian society. We worry about the same things—where we’re getting drunk on Friday night, who’s sleeping with whom, what we’re going to… Read more »

April 2010

Sexual Healing

A friend from Paris has been staying with me for the past two weeks. I live in a studio, large by New York standards, but still, two people in a studio apartment equals no privacy. So, I have been spending a lot of time at my girlfriend’s place lately. Yes,… Read more »

April 2010