Fests Of The West

This week Frameline in San Francisco is winding down a seemingly endless array of films through June 27. Outfest hosted filmmakers in Los Angeles earlier this month with a launch party at La Vida, a swanky bar/restaurant tucked into an outer nook of Sunset Gower Studios. Both festivals are among… Read more »

February 2010

Welcoming Party, Part I

Every June, over 2,000 masochistic do-gooders hop on their bikes and ride the 500 miles from San Francisco to LA to raise money to combat AIDS. Accompanied by over 1,000 “roadie” volunteers and support staff, the riders – who have each raised at least $3000 – bring a much needed visualization… Read more »

February 2010

Hints for the Newly At-home Mom

  Okay, so I’ve heard about some new moms who are taking on the at-home lifestyle, and feel emboldened to share my meager expertise (though the last thing a new mom needs is more advice, she’s been assaulted with it every five seconds since conception), and maybe help them avoid… Read more »

February 2010

She’s Electric: Staying Gold

Ah, Melissa Etheridge and I. We’ve shared a love of cigarette smoke, a lead guitarist or two and now we’ll be sharing a divorce lawyer. How’s that for randomly tying in some celeb hijinks with my own rock and roll drama? C’est vrai. I’ve been on hiatus for a bit,… Read more »

February 2010

From the Real World

I owe Tammy Lynn Michaels an apology. I was pretty sure she woke up one day, 35 and covered in kid-spit, wondering whatever happened to all the makeup and wardrobe people, the paparazzi who clamored for her sexy bright-eyed picture a decade ago, when she was so popular on Popular… Read more »

February 2010

Vivian Girls

“We’re definitely not a technical band,” admits Vivian Girls’ lead singer and chief songwriter, Cassie Ramone. “The fact that we’re all female gets a lot of negative attention. People will write about how we look. Or how sexy we are, or conversely how ugly we are and I think that’s… Read more »

February 2010