Plan of Action

This week I spent looking out for resources to help in my quest to come up with a better plan of action—more sophisticated and pointed than my usual. What I found is that there are a lot of opportunities for actors and artists to spend money (seminars, classes, workshops, more… Read more »

February 2010

Time for a Game Plan

Last September, I went on date after date, sometimes two in a day, making my way through the singles in town. It didn’t really work out with anyone, but I assumed I was open to more than just sex because I was out there, giving it a go. That assumption… Read more »

February 2010

The Many Uses of a Minivan

Desperation can be an excellent motivation for creativity, adaptation, and using things in an off-label manner (think Benadryl). Our minivan is another example. It’s a typical eight-seater with the most space for stuff our modest budget could buy back in 2003, when it became our first “new” vehicle ever and… Read more »

February 2010

Sock Sex

People often think having sex wearing socks is not sexy. And it’s kinda not, but it is really funny and what’s more fun than having sex and laughing at the same time? And, if you’re prone to fetishes, you can even have a stock of socks to match your sex… Read more »

February 2010

How to be a Lesbian Dad

It’s good to be the Boy-mom, the Dad-Mom or whatever clever moniker your preschooler comes up with to describe his obviously androgynous lesbian mom. Embracing the lesbian dad role lets you teach your child the manly skills he (or she) needs, while being the woman you are. If you’d like… Read more »

February 2010

Fests Of The West

This week Frameline in San Francisco is winding down a seemingly endless array of films through June 27. Outfest hosted filmmakers in Los Angeles earlier this month with a launch party at La Vida, a swanky bar/restaurant tucked into an outer nook of Sunset Gower Studios. Both festivals are among… Read more »

February 2010